Friday, January 13, 2012

"Lucille and me at Thanksgiving. Lu is in a wheelchair at this point because she had lost the use of her right arm and leg because of the brain tumors."  - Dick

Richard shared with me this very recent photo of the two of them in addition to others I will soon post.  He also shared a very funny story about Grandpa Leonardo. As Richard tells it.....

"While I am sending this to you I thought I would check to see if you have heard the story about your Grandpa Leonard. As you mentioned, Leonard delivered ice, with a horse and wagon. Uncle Joe used to tell the story that one day the horse would not cooperate, and Leonard, as his picture shown was a husky guy, so Leonard tried to convince the horse to cooperate and when the horse would not, Leonard gave him a punch in the head and knocked the horse out.I don't know how true it is, but it makes a good legend about Grandpa."

This sounds SO MUCH like something my brother Lenny  (his namesake) would


  1. This is a beautiful picture of Lu and Dick, and I'm so glad he shared it with everyone. I'm still adjusting to the idea that she is gone so I can only imagine how difficult it is for the immediate family. She will always be missed. We need pictures of Meg's 2 children on this blog! They are adorable!Have heard that story about our grandfather too so must be some truth to it!

  2. I have heard this story many times...
    Another story involves my mother 'Dolly' who was reading- as the story goes she often had her nose in a book' Grandpa asked her to bring him a glass of water. For some reason she took the water tray out from under the old refrigerator and brought it to him!

  3. My parents told me this story and both were around to remember when it actually happened - and I believe every word of it...

